Maximize RoI From Webinars
Now you have a team you can rely on, to get webinar attendees matching your targeting criteria.

How we guarantee the success of your webinar
You get a dedicated team and a webinar marketing process perfected over dozens of successful campaigns.
Our Webinar Promotion Packages
Option 1: Webinar Promotion
- In this option, the webinar promotional content – including the registration page content, emailers, and social posts are created by your team.
- You specify the profile of attendees, and we drive registrations through an outbound campaign.
- We give you the full registration list with name, designation, company, email, and phone number.
Option 2: Webinar Content and Promotion
- Webinar Promotional Content – Registration page content, invite emailer, confirmation emailer, set of 4 social posts, and post-event emailer
- You specify the profile of attendees, and we drive registrations through an outbound campaign.
- We give you the full registration list with name, designation, company, email, and phone number.

Recent Successes
Here are just a few webinars we’ve promoted recently. Each one has been a resounding success, creating a healthy pipeline of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) for our customers.
We are very impressed with the webinar marketing expertise of the B2B Growth Essentials team from MarketAxis Consulting. Their targeted outreach through email and phone calls generated a strong response from high-level corporate decision-makers, resulting in over 200 registrations and 90 attendees from companies with over 5000 employees. Their detailed registration data has greatly enriched our pipeline of MQL and SQL for our new tech product.
Marketing & Branding Head, Software Product Company
Plan Your Next Webinar
Use this powerful branding and lead generation channel without worrying about execution.