Growth Planning2024-08-24T04:00:26+00:00

The ONE thing that decides whether you achieve targets or struggle? It’s the health of your sales pipeline. 

Have you set ambitious growth targets for your B2B business? Whether you’re aiming for a steady 20% increase or a phenomenal 400% leap, achieving those goals requires a plan and a way to track it. 

Discover how many leads you need to generate to reach your target

Where will those leads come from? Identify the most effective channels

How will you track the health of your sales pipeline?

Have you implemented a CRM and are you leveraging it to drive growth?

Your Next Steps

View Masterclass Video

How Many Leads Do You Need and Which Are the Best Lead Gen Channels For You

eLearning Course

Build a healthy sales pipeline and use CRM effectively to achieve your sales targets. Follow the steps given in Suhasini Kirloskar’s eLearning course published on Udemy.

Select a CRM

We have identified CRM systems suitable for startups and small B2B businesses. Take a look at our selection.


Market Research

B2B Market Research led by an expert with over 25 years of experience in the field enables you to devise strategies based on rich market and buyer insights.

Growth Planning Blog Posts

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Top B2B Sales Strategies for Business Growth

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Driving B2B Growth: The Best Lead Generation Channels for B2B Sales

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Understanding B2B Sales: Why Your Sales Pipeline is the Key to Success

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The Buyer Journey: A Non-Linear Path to Purchase

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